scores: A Python package for verifying and evaluating models and predictions with xarray

12 Jun 2024  ·  Tennessee Leeuwenburg, Nicholas Loveday, Elizabeth E. Ebert, Harrison Cook, Mohammadreza Khanarmuei, Robert J. Taggart, Nikeeth Ramanathan, Maree Carroll, Stephanie Chong, Aidan Griffiths, John Sharples ·

`scores` is a Python package containing mathematical functions for the verification, evaluation and optimisation of forecasts, predictions or models. It supports labelled n-dimensional (multidimensional) data, which is used in many scientific fields and in machine learning. At present, `scores` primarily supports the geoscience communities; in particular, the meteorological, climatological and oceanographic communities. `scores` not only includes common scores (e.g., Mean Absolute Error), it also includes novel scores not commonly found elsewhere (e.g., FIxed Risk Multicategorical (FIRM) score, Flip-Flop Index), complex scores (e.g., threshold-weighted continuous ranked probability score), and statistical tests (such as the Diebold Mariano test). It also contains isotonic regression which is becoming an increasingly important tool in forecast verification and can be used to generate stable reliability diagrams. Additionally, it provides pre-processing tools for preparing data for scores in a variety of formats including cumulative distribution functions (CDF). At the time of writing, `scores` includes over 50 metrics, statistical techniques and data processing tools. All of the scores and statistical techniques in this package have undergone a thorough scientific and software review. Every score has a companion Jupyter Notebook tutorial that demonstrates its use in practice. `scores` supports `xarray` datatypes, allowing it to work with Earth system data in a range of formats including NetCDF4, HDF5, Zarr and GRIB among others. `scores` uses Dask for scaling and performance. Support for `pandas` is being introduced. The `scores` software repository can be found at

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Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Applications