Two step micro-rheological behavior in a viscoelastic fluid

22 Feb 2021  ·  Rohit Jain, Félix Ginot, Johannes Berner, Clemens Bechinger, Matthias Krüger ·

We perform micro-rheological experiments with a colloidal bead driven through a viscoelastic worm-like micellar fluid and observe two distinctive shear thinning regimes, each of them displaying a Newtonian-like plateau. The shear thinning behavior at larger velocities is in qualitative agreement with macroscopic rheological experiments. The second process, observed at Weissenberg numbers as small as a few percent, appears to have no analog in macro rheological findings. A simple model introduced earlier captures the observed behavior, and implies that the two shear thinning processes correspond to two different length scales in the fluid. This model also reproduces oscillations which have been observed in this system previously. While the system under macro-shear seems to be near equilibrium for shear rates in the regime of the intermediate Newtonian-like plateau, the one under micro-shear is thus still far from it. The analysis suggests the existence of a length scale of a few micrometres, the nature of which remains elusive.

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Soft Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics