Replication Data for: Assessment of a Cost-Effective Headphone Calibration Procedure for Soundscape Evaluations

Introduced by Lam et al. in Assessment of a cost-effective headphone calibration procedure for soundscape evaluations

This dataset contains the data used for all statistical comparisons in our ICSV 2022 submission "Assessment of a Cost-Effective Headphone Calibration Procedure for Soundscape Evaluations", summarised in a single .csv file.

To obtain the data in this dataset, 17 participants were invited to each rate 27 stimuli twice, once with the stimuli calibrated with a head-and-torso simulator ("HATS method") and once with the stimuli calibrated via an open-circuit voltage method ("OCV method"). This resulted in a total of 17272 = 918 data samples, corresponding to the number of rows in the .csv file.

For more details on the calibration method and listening test procedure, please refer to our manuscript:

B. Lam, K. Ooi, K.N. Watcharasupat, Y.-T. Lau, Z.-T. Ong, T. Wong, W.-S. Gan, "Assessment of a Cost-Effective Headphone Calibration Procedure for Soundscape Evaluations", in Proceedings of the 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV28, Singapore, 2022.

A short explanation of the columns in the .csv file is as follows:

  • calib_method: The method used to calibrate the stimulus for which the present row of responses was obtained (either HATS or OCV)
  • participant_idx: The index of the participant who provided the present row of responses. Each participant is assigned a unique index. In addition, indices do not start from 1 because we omitted data from participants who adjusted volume settings when listening to the stimuli (thus rendering the calibration invalid), as well as participants who were unable to provide a complete set of responses for stimuli calibrated using both calibration methods.
  • stimulus_idx: The index of the stimulus for which the present row of responses was obtained (integers from 1 to 27, inclusive).
  • pleasant: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "pleasant".
  • chaotic: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "chaotic"
  • vibrant: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "vibrant"
  • uneventful: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "uneventful"
  • calm: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "calm"
  • annoying: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "annoying"
  • eventful: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "eventful"
  • monotonous: The rating given by the participant for the present stimulus on a scale of 0 to 100 (inclusive) for the attribute "monotonous"


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