Output Heads

Dynamic Keypoint Head is an output head for pose estimation that are conditioned on each instance (person), and can encode the instance concept in the dynamically-generated weights of their filters. They are used in the FCPose architecture.

The Figure shows the core idea. $F$ denotes a level of feature maps. "Rel. Coord." means the relative coordinates, denoting the relative offsets from the locations of $F$ to the location where the filters are generated. Refer to the text for details. $f_{\theta_{i}}$ is the dynamically-generated keypoint head for the $i$-th person instance. Note that each person instance has its own keypoint head.

Source: FCPose: Fully Convolutional Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Dynamic Instance-Aware Convolutions


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Multi-Person Pose Estimation 1 50.00%
Pose Estimation 1 50.00%
