Image Generation Models

Group Decreasing Network

Introduced by Zhu et al. in Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis

Group Decreasing Network, or GroupDNet, is a type of convolutional neural network for multi-modal image synthesis. GroupDNet contains one encoder and one decoder. Inspired by the idea of VAE and SPADE, the encoder $E$ produces a latent code $Z$ that is supposed to follow a Gaussian distribution $\mathcal{N}(0,1)$ during training. While testing, the encoder $E$ is discarded. A randomly sampled code from the Gaussian distribution substitutes for $Z$. To fulfill this, the re-parameterization trick is used to enable a differentiable loss function during training. Specifically, the encoder predicts a mean vector and a variance vector through two fully connected layers to represent the encoded distribution. The gap between the encoded distribution and Gaussian distribution can be minimized by imposing a KL-divergence loss.

Source: Semantically Multi-modal Image Synthesis


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Task Papers Share
Decoder 1 50.00%
Image Generation 1 50.00%


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