90% F1 Score in Relational Triple Extraction: Is it Real ?

20 Feb 2023  ·  Pratik Saini, Samiran Pal, Tapas Nayak, Indrajit Bhattacharya ·

Extracting relational triples from text is a crucial task for constructing knowledge bases. Recent advancements in joint entity and relation extraction models have demonstrated remarkable F1 scores ($\ge 90\%$) in accurately extracting relational triples from free text. However, these models have been evaluated under restrictive experimental settings and unrealistic datasets. They overlook sentences with zero triples (zero-cardinality), thereby simplifying the task. In this paper, we present a benchmark study of state-of-the-art joint entity and relation extraction models under a more realistic setting. We include sentences that lack any triples in our experiments, providing a comprehensive evaluation. Our findings reveal a significant decline (approximately 10-15\% in one dataset and 6-14\% in another dataset) in the models' F1 scores within this realistic experimental setup. Furthermore, we propose a two-step modeling approach that utilizes a simple BERT-based classifier. This approach leads to overall performance improvement in these models within the realistic experimental setting.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Relation Extraction NYT PtrNet Decoder (BERT-base) F1 89.6 # 11
F1 (strict) 89.6 # 5


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