Adversarial Fine-tuning using Generated Respiratory Sound to Address Class Imbalance

11 Nov 2023  ·  June-Woo Kim, Chihyeon Yoon, Miika Toikkanen, Sangmin Bae, Ho-Young Jung ·

Deep generative models have emerged as a promising approach in the medical image domain to address data scarcity. However, their use for sequential data like respiratory sounds is less explored. In this work, we propose a straightforward approach to augment imbalanced respiratory sound data using an audio diffusion model as a conditional neural vocoder. We also demonstrate a simple yet effective adversarial fine-tuning method to align features between the synthetic and real respiratory sound samples to improve respiratory sound classification performance. Our experimental results on the ICBHI dataset demonstrate that the proposed adversarial fine-tuning is effective, while only using the conventional augmentation method shows performance degradation. Moreover, our method outperforms the baseline by 2.24% on the ICBHI Score and improves the accuracy of the minority classes up to 26.58%. For the supplementary material, we provide the code at

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Audio Classification ICBHI Respiratory Sound Database AFT on Mixed-500 ICBHI Score 61.79 # 2
Sensitivity 42.86 # 4
Specificity 80.72 # 2
