LASOR: Learning Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Via Synthetic Occlusion-Aware Data and Neural Mesh Rendering

1 Aug 2021  ·  Kaibing Yang, Renshu Gu, Maoyu Wang, Masahiro Toyoura, Gang Xu ·

A key challenge in the task of human pose and shape estimation is occlusion, including self-occlusions, object-human occlusions, and inter-person occlusions. The lack of diverse and accurate pose and shape training data becomes a major bottleneck, especially for scenes with occlusions in the wild. In this paper, we focus on the estimation of human pose and shape in the case of inter-person occlusions, while also handling object-human occlusions and self-occlusion. We propose a novel framework that synthesizes occlusion-aware silhouette and 2D keypoints data and directly regress to the SMPL pose and shape parameters. A neural 3D mesh renderer is exploited to enable silhouette supervision on the fly, which contributes to great improvements in shape estimation. In addition, keypoints-and-silhouette-driven training data in panoramic viewpoints are synthesized to compensate for the lack of viewpoint diversity in any existing dataset. Experimental results show that we are among the state-of-the-art on the 3DPW and 3DPW-Crowd datasets in terms of pose estimation accuracy. The proposed method evidently outperforms Mesh Transformer, 3DCrowdNet and ROMP in terms of shape estimation. Top performance is also achieved on SSP-3D in terms of shape prediction accuracy. Demo and code will be available at

PDF Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
3D Human Pose Estimation 3DPW LASOR PA-MPJPE 57.9 # 93
3D Human Shape Estimation SSP-3D LASOR PVE-T-SC 14.5 # 2
mIOU 67 # 6
