Learning to Regress Bodies from Images using Differentiable Semantic Rendering

Learning to regress 3D human body shape and pose (e.g.~SMPL parameters) from monocular images typically exploits losses on 2D keypoints, silhouettes, and/or part-segmentation when 3D training data is not available. Such losses, however, are limited because 2D keypoints do not supervise body shape and segmentations of people in clothing do not match projected minimally-clothed SMPL shapes. To exploit richer image information about clothed people, we introduce higher-level semantic information about clothing to penalize clothed and non-clothed regions of the image differently. To do so, we train a body regressor using a novel Differentiable Semantic Rendering - DSR loss. For Minimally-Clothed regions, we define the DSR-MC loss, which encourages a tight match between a rendered SMPL body and the minimally-clothed regions of the image. For clothed regions, we define the DSR-C loss to encourage the rendered SMPL body to be inside the clothing mask. To ensure end-to-end differentiable training, we learn a semantic clothing prior for SMPL vertices from thousands of clothed human scans. We perform extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments to evaluate the role of clothing semantics on the accuracy of 3D human pose and shape estimation. We outperform all previous state-of-the-art methods on 3DPW and Human3.6M and obtain on par results on MPI-INF-3DHP. Code and trained models are available for research at https://dsr.is.tue.mpg.de/.

PDF Abstract ICCV 2021 PDF ICCV 2021 Abstract

Results from the Paper

Ranked #56 on 3D Human Pose Estimation on 3DPW (using extra training data)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
3D Human Pose Estimation 3DPW DSR PA-MPJPE 51.7 # 70
MPJPE 85.7 # 81
MPVPE 99.5 # 56
3D Human Pose Estimation Human3.6M DSR Average MPJPE (mm) 60.9 # 261
PA-MPJPE 40.3 # 66
3D Human Pose Estimation MPI-INF-3DHP DSR MPJPE 104.7 # 75
PA-MPJPE 66.7 # 22


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