Mapping topology to nuclear dilaton-HLS effective field theory for dense baryonic matter

2 Mar 2021  ·  Yong-Liang Ma, Mannque Rho ·

We describe the on-going effort to formulate the baryon-quark continuity in terms of a topology change in the equation of state (EoS) of dense baryonic matter in analogy to -- and inspired by -- the mapping of the characteristics of Chern-Simon topological field theory to Kohn-Sham density functional theory in the fractional quantized Hall effect (FQHE). This is done by translating the density-dependent characteristics of the skyrmion-half-skyrmion transition formulated in the presence of hidden local symmetry and (hidden) scale symmetry to the density-dependent parameters of a renormalization-group approach to Fermi-liquid fixed point theory. Predictions made in finite nuclei and infinite compact-star matter are presented.

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Nuclear Theory High Energy Physics - Phenomenology