Threshold error rates for the toric and surface codes

5 May 2009  ·  D. S. Wang, A. G. Fowler, A. M. Stephens, L. C. L. Hollenberg ·

The surface code scheme for quantum computation features a 2d array of nearest-neighbor coupled qubits yet claims a threshold error rate approaching 1% (NJoP 9:199, 2007). This result was obtained for the toric code, from which the surface code is derived, and surpasses all other known codes restricted to 2d nearest-neighbor architectures by several orders of magnitude. We describe in detail an error correction procedure for the toric and surface codes, which is based on polynomial-time graph matching techniques and is efficiently implementable as the classical feed-forward processing step in a real quantum computer. By direct simulation of this error correction scheme, we determine the threshold error rates for the two codes (differing only in their boundary conditions) for both ideal and non-ideal syndrome extraction scenarios. We verify that the toric code has an asymptotic threshold of p = 15.5% under ideal syndrome extraction, and p = 7.8 10^-3 for the non-ideal case, in agreement with prior work. Simulations of the surface code indicate that the threshold is close to that of the toric code.

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