Search Results for author: Aditya Singh

Found 16 papers, 0 papers with code

FolkTalent: Enhancing Classification and Tagging of Indian Folk Paintings

no code implementations14 May 2024 Nancy Hada, Aditya Singh, Kavita Vemuri

Indian folk paintings have a rich mosaic of symbols, colors, textures, and stories making them an invaluable repository of cultural legacy.

Multi-Label Image Classification

AnoGAN for Tabular Data: A Novel Approach to Anomaly Detection

no code implementations5 May 2024 Aditya Singh, Pavan Reddy

Anomaly detection, a critical facet in data analysis, involves identifying patterns that deviate from expected behavior.

Anomaly Detection Generative Adversarial Network

Approximate Nullspace Augmented Finetuning for Robust Vision Transformers

no code implementations15 Mar 2024 Haoyang Liu, Aditya Singh, Yijiang Li, Haohan Wang

In this work, we provide a finetuning approach to enhance the robustness of vision transformers inspired by the concept of nullspace from linear algebra.

A bi-objective $ε$-constrained framework for quality-cost optimization in language model ensembles

no code implementations26 Dec 2023 Aditi Singla, Aditya Singh, Kanishk Kukreja

We propose an ensembling framework that uses diverse open-sourced Large Language Models (LLMs) to achieve high response quality while maintaining cost efficiency.

Language Modelling

Understanding EEG signals for subject-wise Definition of Armoni Activities

no code implementations3 Jan 2023 Kislay Raj, Aditya Singh, Abhishek Mandal, Teerath Kumar, Arunabha M. Roy

The learning is performed in a closed-loop by using feedback in the form of change in affective state.


Machine Learning Framework: Competitive Intelligence and Key Drivers Identification of Market Share Trends Among Healthcare Facilities

no code implementations9 Dec 2022 Anudeep Appe, Bhanu Poluparthi, Lakshmi Kasivajjula, Udai Mv, Sobha Bagadi, Punya Modi, Aditya Singh, Hemanth Gunupudi

A reliable framework which helps identify factors impacting a Healthcare Provider Facility or a Hospital (from here on termed as Facility) Market Share is of key importance.


Exploring Target Driven Image Classification

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Aditya Singh, Alessandro Bay, Andrea Mirabile

We argue that, for any arbitrary category $\mathit{\tilde{y}}$, the composed question 'Is this image of an object category $\mathit{\tilde{y}}$' serves as a viable approach for image classification via.

Classification Fine-Grained Image Classification +1

Single- and narrow-line photoluminescence in a boron nitride-supported MoSe$_2$/graphene heterostructure

no code implementations5 Nov 2020 Luis E. Parra López, Loïc Moczko, Joanna Wolff, Aditya Singh, Etienne Lorchat, Michelangelo Romeo, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Stéphane Berciaud

Since this exciton has a picosecond radiative lifetime at low temperature, comparable with the energy transfer time, its low-temperature photoluminescence is only quenched by a factor of $3. 3 \pm 1$ and $4. 4 \pm 1$ in the presence of mono- and bilayer graphene, respectively.

Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Materials Science

Machine learning predicts early onset of fever from continuous physiological data of critically ill patients

no code implementations14 Sep 2020 Aditya Singh, Akram Mohammed, Lokesh Chinthala, Rishikesan Kamaleswaran

This study aims to develop novel algorithms that can accurately predict fever onset in critically ill patients by applying machine learning technique on continuous physiological data.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Descriptive

Optimization of Ensemble Supervised Learning Algorithms for Increased Sensitivity, Specificity, and AUC of Population-Based Colorectal Cancer Screenings

no code implementations13 Aug 2017 Anirudh Kamath, Aditya Singh, Raj Ramnani, Ayush Vyas, Jay Shenoy

Stool DNA tests, the modern benchmark for CRC screening, have a much higher sensitivity and specificity, but also cost \$600, take two weeks to process, and are not for high-risk individuals or people with a history of polyps.


Learning to Hash-tag Videos with Tag2Vec

no code implementations13 Dec 2016 Aditya Singh, Saurabh Saini, Rajvi Shah, PJ Narayanan

In this paper, we study the problem of generating relevant and useful hash-tags for short video clips.

Retrieval TAG

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