Search Results for author: Krishna Garikipati

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

Pattern formation in dense populations studied by inference of nonlinear diffusion-reaction mechanisms

no code implementations4 Nov 2023 Siddhartha Srivastava, Krishna Garikipati

The biological and chemical elements that form the basis of this process, like cells and proteins, occupy finite mass and volume and interact during migration.

FP-IRL: Fokker-Planck-based Inverse Reinforcement Learning -- A Physics-Constrained Approach to Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations17 Jun 2023 Chengyang Huang, Siddhartha Srivastava, Xun Huan, Krishna Garikipati

We identify specific manifestations of this isomorphism and use them to create a novel physics-aware IRL algorithm, FP-IRL, which can simultaneously infer the transition and reward functions using only observed trajectories.

Machine Learning in Heterogeneous Porous Materials

no code implementations4 Feb 2022 Martha D'Eli, Hang Deng, Cedric Fraces, Krishna Garikipati, Lori Graham-Brady, Amanda Howard, Geoerge Karniadakid, Vahid Keshavarzzadeh, Robert M. Kirby, Nathan Kutz, Chunhui Li, Xing Liu, Hannah Lu, Pania Newell, Daniel O'Malley, Masa Prodanovic, Gowri Srinivasan, Alexandre Tartakovsky, Daniel M. Tartakovsky, Hamdi Tchelepi, Bozo Vazic, Hari Viswanathan, Hongkyu Yoon, Piotr Zarzycki

The "Workshop on Machine learning in heterogeneous porous materials" brought together international scientific communities of applied mathematics, porous media, and material sciences with experts in the areas of heterogeneous materials, machine learning (ML) and applied mathematics to identify how ML can advance materials research.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

A heteroencoder architecture for prediction of failure locations in porous metals using variational inference

no code implementations31 Jan 2022 Wyatt Bridgman, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Greg Teichert, Mohammad Khalil, Krishna Garikipati, Reese Jones

In this work we employ an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network to predict the failure locations of porous metal tension specimens based only on their initial porosities.

Decoder Variational Inference

Li$_x$CoO$_2$ phase stability studied by machine learning-enabled scale bridging between electronic structure, statistical mechanics and phase field theories

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Gregory H. Teichert, Sambit Das, Muratahan Aykol, Chirranjeevi Gopal, Vikram Gavini, Krishna Garikipati

Li$_xTM$O$_2$ (TM={Ni, Co, Mn}) are promising cathodes for Li-ion batteries, whose electrochemical cycling performance is strongly governed by crystal structure and phase stability as a function of Li content at the atomistic scale.

Biomembranes undergo complex, non-axisymmetric deformations governed by Kirchhoff-Love kinematics and revealed by a three dimensional computational framework

no code implementations28 Jan 2021 Debabrata Auddya, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Rahul Gulati, Ritvik Vasan, Krishna Garikipati, Padmini Rangamani, Shiva Rudraraju

Lipid bilayers are represented as spline-based surfaces immersed in a 3D space; this enables modeling of a wide spectrum of membrane geometries, boundary conditions, and deformations that are physically admissible in a 3D space.

Bayesian neural networks for weak solution of PDEs with uncertainty quantification

no code implementations13 Jan 2021 Xiaoxuan Zhang, Krishna Garikipati

As both Dirichlet and Neumann BCs are specified as inputs to NNs, a single NN can solve for similar physics, but with different BCs and on a number of problem domains.

Decision Making Uncertainty Quantification

System inference for the spatio-temporal evolution of infectious diseases: Michigan in the time of COVID-19

no code implementations2 Jul 2020 Zhenlin Wang, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Gregory Teichert, Mariana Carrasco-Teja, Krishna Garikipati

We extend the classical SIR model of infectious disease spread to account for time dependence in the parameters, which also include diffusivities.

Scale bridging materials physics: Active learning workflows and integrable deep neural networks for free energy function representations in alloys

no code implementations30 Jan 2020 Gregory Teichert, Anirudh Natarajan, Anton Van der Ven, Krishna Garikipati

Specifically, we have developed an integrable deep neural network (IDNN) that can be trained to free energy derivative data obtained from atomic scale models and statistical mechanics, then analytically integrated to recover a free energy density function.

Active Learning

Second Order Threshold Dynamics Schemes for Two Phase Motion by Mean Curvature

1 code implementation12 Nov 2019 Alexander Zaitzeff, Selim Esedoglu, Krishna Garikipati

As a first, rigorous step in addressing this shortcoming, we present two different second order accurate versions of two-phase threshold dynamics.

Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis 65M06, 65M12

On the Voronoi Implicit Interface Method

1 code implementation25 Oct 2018 Alexander Zaitzeff, Selim Esedoglu, Krishna Garikipati

We present careful numerical convergence studies, using parameterized curves to reach very high resolutions in two dimensions, of a level set method for multiphase curvature motion known as the Voronoi implicit interface method.

Numerical Analysis 65M06

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