Search Results for author: Ludwig Winkler

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Bridging discrete and continuous state spaces: Exploring the Ehrenfest process in time-continuous diffusion models

no code implementations6 May 2024 Ludwig Winkler, Lorenz Richter, Manfred Opper

Generative modeling via stochastic processes has led to remarkable empirical results as well as to recent advances in their theoretical understanding.


Fast and Unified Path Gradient Estimators for Normalizing Flows

no code implementations23 Mar 2024 Lorenz Vaitl, Ludwig Winkler, Lorenz Richter, Pan Kessel

Recent work shows that path gradient estimators for normalizing flows have lower variance compared to standard estimators for variational inference, resulting in improved training.

Computational Efficiency Variational Inference

Super-resolution in Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Reconstruction with Bi-Directional Neural Networks

no code implementations2 Jan 2022 Ludwig Winkler, Klaus-Robert Müller, Huziel E. Sauceda

Molecular dynamics simulations are a cornerstone in science, allowing to investigate from the system's thermodynamics to analyse intricate molecular interactions.


Towards CRISP-ML(Q): A Machine Learning Process Model with Quality Assurance Methodology

no code implementations11 Mar 2020 Stefan Studer, Thanh Binh Bui, Christian Drescher, Alexander Hanuschkin, Ludwig Winkler, Steven Peters, Klaus-Robert Mueller

The sixth phase covers state-of-the-art approaches for monitoring and maintenance of a machine learning applications, as the risk of model degradation in a changing environment is eminent.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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