Search Results for author: Sivabalan Manivasagam

Found 18 papers, 3 papers with code

LightSim: Neural Lighting Simulation for Urban Scenes

no code implementations11 Dec 2023 Ava Pun, Gary Sun, Jingkang Wang, Yun Chen, Ze Yang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Wei-Chiu Ma, Raquel Urtasun

Different outdoor illumination conditions drastically alter the appearance of urban scenes, and they can harm the performance of image-based robot perception systems if not seen during training.

Reconstructing Objects in-the-wild for Realistic Sensor Simulation

no code implementations9 Nov 2023 Ze Yang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Yun Chen, Jingkang Wang, Rui Hu, Raquel Urtasun

In this work, we present NeuSim, a novel approach that estimates accurate geometry and realistic appearance from sparse in-the-wild data captured at distance and at limited viewpoints.

CADSim: Robust and Scalable in-the-wild 3D Reconstruction for Controllable Sensor Simulation

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Jingkang Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Yun Chen, Ze Yang, Ioan Andrei Bârsan, Anqi Joyce Yang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Raquel Urtasun

To tackle these issues, we present CADSim, which combines part-aware object-class priors via a small set of CAD models with differentiable rendering to automatically reconstruct vehicle geometry, including articulated wheels, with high-quality appearance.

3D Reconstruction

Adv3D: Generating Safety-Critical 3D Objects through Closed-Loop Simulation

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Jay Sarva, Jingkang Wang, James Tu, Yuwen Xiong, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Raquel Urtasun

In this paper, we propose a framework, Adv3D, that takes real world scenarios and performs closed-loop sensor simulation to evaluate autonomy performance, and finds vehicle shapes that make the scenario more challenging, resulting in autonomy failures and uncomfortable SDV maneuvers.

Motion Planning

UniSim: A Neural Closed-Loop Sensor Simulator

2 code implementations CVPR 2023 Ze Yang, Yun Chen, Jingkang Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Wei-Chiu Ma, Anqi Joyce Yang, Raquel Urtasun

Previously recorded driving logs provide a rich resource to build these new scenarios from, but for closed loop evaluation, we need to modify the sensor data based on the new scene configuration and the SDV's decisions, as actors might be added or removed and the trajectories of existing actors and the SDV will differ from the original log.

Towards Zero Domain Gap: A Comprehensive Study of Realistic LiDAR Simulation for Autonomy Testing

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Sivabalan Manivasagam, Ioan Andrei Bârsan, Jingkang Wang, Ze Yang, Raquel Urtasun

We leverage this setting to analyze what aspects of LiDAR simulation, such as pulse phenomena, scanning effects, and asset quality, affect the domain gap with respect to the autonomy system, including perception, prediction, and motion planning, and analyze how modifications to the simulated LiDAR influence each part.

Motion Planning

Deep Feedback Inverse Problem Solver

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Wei-Chiu Ma, Shenlong Wang, Jiayuan Gu, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun

Specifically, at each iteration, the neural network takes the feedback as input and outputs an update on the current estimation.

Pose Estimation

Mending Neural Implicit Modeling for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in the Wild

no code implementations18 Jan 2021 Shivam Duggal, ZiHao Wang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Justin Liang, Shenlong Wang, Raquel Urtasun

Reconstructing high-quality 3D objects from sparse, partial observations from a single view is of crucial importance for various applications in computer vision, robotics, and graphics.

3D Object Reconstruction

Adversarial Attacks On Multi-Agent Communication

no code implementations ICCV 2021 James Tu, TsunHsuan Wang, Jingkang Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun

Growing at a fast pace, modern autonomous systems will soon be deployed at scale, opening up the possibility for cooperative multi-agent systems.

Domain Adaptation

S3: Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning Fields for 3D Human Modeling

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Ze Yang, Shenlong Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Zeng Huang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Xinchen Yan, Ersin Yumer, Raquel Urtasun

Constructing and animating humans is an important component for building virtual worlds in a wide variety of applications such as virtual reality or robotics testing in simulation.

AdvSim: Generating Safety-Critical Scenarios for Self-Driving Vehicles

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Jingkang Wang, Ava Pun, James Tu, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Abbas Sadat, Sergio Casas, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun

Importantly, by simulating directly from sensor data, we obtain adversarial scenarios that are safety-critical for the full autonomy stack.

SceneGen: Learning to Generate Realistic Traffic Scenes

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Shuhan Tan, Kelvin Wong, Shenlong Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun

Existing methods typically insert actors into the scene according to a set of hand-crafted heuristics and are limited in their ability to model the true complexity and diversity of real traffic scenes, thus inducing a content gap between synthesized traffic scenes versus real ones.

Weakly-supervised 3D Shape Completion in the Wild

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Jiayuan Gu, Wei-Chiu Ma, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Wenyuan Zeng, ZiHao Wang, Yuwen Xiong, Hao Su, Raquel Urtasun

3D shape completion for real data is important but challenging, since partial point clouds acquired by real-world sensors are usually sparse, noisy and unaligned.

Point Cloud Registration Pose Estimation

V2VNet: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Joint Perception and Prediction

3 code implementations ECCV 2020 Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Ming Liang, Bin Yang, Wenyuan Zeng, James Tu, Raquel Urtasun

In this paper, we explore the use of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to improve the perception and motion forecasting performance of self-driving vehicles.

3D Object Detection Motion Forecasting

LiDARsim: Realistic LiDAR Simulation by Leveraging the Real World

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Sivabalan Manivasagam, Shenlong Wang, Kelvin Wong, Wenyuan Zeng, Mikita Sazanovich, Shuhan Tan, Bin Yang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Raquel Urtasun

We first utilize ray casting over the 3D scene and then use a deep neural network to produce deviations from the physics-based simulation, producing realistic LiDAR point clouds.

Zero-Shot Compositional Policy Learning via Language Grounding

1 code implementation15 Apr 2020 Tianshi Cao, Jingkang Wang, Yining Zhang, Sivabalan Manivasagam

To facilitate the research on language-guided agents with domain adaption, we propose a novel zero-shot compositional policy learning task, where the environments are characterized as a composition of different attributes.

Descriptive Domain Adaptation +5

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